The Passion Translation

I can’t take any credit for being cutting edge at all, because I know The Passion Translation (TPT) isn’t anything super new, but I recently starting reading through the gospels with this version and wow, what a game changer!

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If you’re anything like me, you probably have a go-to version when you read the Bible. When I was in college at the King’s University, our standard translation we used was New King James (NKJV) so I got used to that one. I used my Bible so much at school (Bible college, go figure, right?) that I memorized not only verses but where they were located on the page of my Bible. That little Bible is so well worn that my bookmark ribbon came out. Since then I always strive to love each of my Bibles with that same kind of intensity. I’ve shared with you about my newest Bible, the She Reads Truth Bible, but I have found that when I sneak out of my bedroom in the morning to have my quiet time, it’s a little too dark for me to read it. Plus, YOU try sneakily walking out of your room with bad eyesight in the dark with your Bible, journal, pen, phone, and socks (these are a must LOL). It’s not easy! I might have hit a few walls and/or woken Rudy up, just saying!

Anyways, for convenience sake, I resorted to using my Bible App on my phone, simply because it’s easier to see in dim lighting. I’ve heard so much about TPT and with it being close to the holidays I thought it would be a GREAT time to read the gospels.

The Passion Translation is a great way to hear the emotion of each passage.

I guess a good word to describe this translation is vibrant. Sometimes reading other versions, it’s hard to really “picture” the scene. I grew up a total bookworm, so I love a good narrative and get caught up in stories easily. It’s always been a struggle to feel the same way with the Bible, but TPT is probably the closest I’ve ever gotten to feeling like I’m reading a story.

Emotion is crucial to understanding.

We are emotional beings. When you read a text message from someone, you aren’t just reading the words but you are interpreting their mood and attitude (even if it’s totally wrong). In the same way, when you read the Bible it’s important to understand the mood, emotions, and attitudes or we could graze past the entire message. Reading TPT, I felt like I was seeing Jesus in a totally new light. Not only could I see him for the miracles he did and the things he taught, but also the completely human emotions he displayed as he walked out his ministry.

The cool thing about this version is because I was picking up more than I usually do, it’s like my mind wanted to fill in the gaps that weren’t in the story. For example, Jesus talks a lot about picking up your cross. Matthew 16:24 says,

“If you truly want to follow me,you should at once completely reject and disown your own life. And you must be willing to share my cross and experience it as your own, as you continually surrender to my ways.”

This made me wonder how many times Jesus had seen a condemned prisoner take his cross to be crucified. Did that scare him? Matthew 26:38-39 shows us that yes, he struggled greatly with the knowledge of his death. I always knew Jesus was 100% God and 100% man, but you deviate towards seeing only the strength of God and not the weakness of his humanity. TPT lets us in on those human struggles, mainly through the emotion you see. Seeing the human side of Jesus in a clearer light made what he did on this earth all the more miraculous, and gave me such a deep awe and appreciation for the work of the cross.

The Passion Translation is available in the New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs.

If you’ve been looking for ways to fall in love with the Word of God, what a better way than to try a new translation.

And, two great bonuses:

1) It’s almost Christmas. If you like reading hard print - add the Passion Translation to your stocking stuffer list (it’s already on mine!) Here’s one on Amazon!

2) New Years is around the corner. If you want to ramp up your time with God, set a goal to read through the New Testament in a new version. Even if it’s not TPT, goals are great at adding accountability. Set an alarm on your phone each day (or customize it) to remind you to read at least 1 chapter a day.

Have you read the Passion Translation? What are some of your favorite verses?


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