Episode 5 - My 2019 Declaration

This episode is all about having a heart to know God more deeply in the new year. For 2019, my goal is to go after God with all of my heart, and I’ve outlined 3 simple ways to do this. Follow along with the notes below and join me as I choose to put God first.


Knowing God deeply requires more than just a resolution, it requires LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

3 Things to Remember as you pursue God with ALL YOUR HEART:

  1. Guard Your Heart

    • What are you letting into your life that isn’t honoring God and may affect your mood, thought life, and attitude?

    • Matthew 6:22 - The eye is the lamp to the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.”

    • Be aware when things enter your mind that are uncharacteristic of you and bring them to God. Don’t let it go, because it’s an attack from the enemy!

  2. Make Time and Make the SACRIFICE to have time with God EVERY DAY.

    • Sometimes making yourself aware that something requires sacrifice allows you to have the grit to push past the discomfort and commit.

    • Even if your schedule changes or it’s not easy, make time to spend with God. It’s not about the amount of time, it’s about the position of your heart and that you are choosing to pursue God daily. (Five minutes or five hours, spend time with God.)

  3. Give EVERYTHING You’ve Got

    • PRIORITIZE. What’s your focus? If God is your priority, then everything else should come FIRST. What kind of distractions keep you from making God your priority?

    • Give yourself grace. NO ONE is perfect, and God isn’t expecting perfection. Again, it’s about your heart! It’s OK if it takes a while to get a routine down, or if you miss a few days (or a week) here or there.

    • Pray about what your desire is for the year and what you hope to experience as you pursue God this year.

    • Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.  

I’m excited for you as you step into this new year! If you’re choosing to really go after God this year, I would love to hear from you in the comments below!


Episode 6 - Unwrapping Mercy


Episode 4 - When Faith is More Than a Scripted Word