Episode 12 - Put the Guilt Away

Episode Summary

If you’re anything like me, maybe sometimes when life gets busy you feel like you’re failing at time spent with God. But in this episode, I’m going to share some truths about what really defines a good relationship with God. It’s not as difficult as you may think!

A note from me…

Hi sweet friends! I just wanted to hop on this podcast page as I am posting this new episode and say THANK YOU to everyone who has shared how the She is Courageous Podcast has encouraged them. I have to be completely transparent and say that having a podcast has been so much more challenging than I ever could have imagined. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even making the smallest impact in a world overflowing with information - both relevant and not-so-relevant. My ongoing desire with this podcast is just to be transparent. I’m a human with challenges and as such, I like to process through things that I deal with…. because surely there are other people out there who deal with the same stuff. Right?! Even so, having the courage to speak up about things I struggle with can be a little intimidating and hard to do. I’ve thought about just letting it go sometimes, but then the Lord sends me sweet reminders that it’s not for nothing. Thank you for those who have sent me a message or encouraged me. It really does make a difference and helps me be more intentional, remembering that even if it’s only one person who hears and feels like they relate, it’s WORTH THE STRUGGLE!

Going forward I am striving to make these more regular again! With that goal, I have learned that the only way to do that is to be a little more flexible in my preparation and less focused on perfect presentation. You may begin to hear a little more stumbling in my words or I may say the wrong thing every so often because I am moving away from scripted podcasts. Yay for new challenges!

Hope you enjoy the upcoming podcasts that I will be sharing, and thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you!

Much love,



Episode 13 - The Power of Forgiveness


Episode 11 - Love your Frenemies