Why I'm sick of Facebook Christians

Being at home more than usual, I think a lot of us have spent more than our fair share of time on social media. 2020 has been full of unpleasant surprises and we are all doing our best to process the times. I’ve sat back, stayed fairly silent, and watched many people present their opinions. I’ve probably scrolled through hundreds of posts about people’s views on quarantine, COVID, masks, BLM, etc.

I’ll be honest with you. I have been more frustrated and outraged by people who share my beliefs and values than those who don’t. There are many people that I am connected with on social media who I don’t agree with their political party views, we don’t share the same religious beliefs, or even lifestyles. Yet I will gladly continue to follow them because I want to understand their perspective and they can communicate it without aggression or hatred. On the other hand, I have been unfollowing and unfriending Christians because I am offended by their aggressive, judgemental attitudes.

It is OK to be passionate about your beliefs.
But if you truly believe in Jesus, and follow Him, your passion should be about loving people WAY more than proving yourself right, or as it seems more common, that others are wrong.
Jesus made it very clear what the greatest commands were. To 1) Love God with all your heart, and 2) to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:36-40)
Tell me where in those two commands it says to defend your opinion or argue with others? Tell me where it says it’s ok to be so fiery about your beliefs that you turn people off with your attitude? Tell me where it is ok for you to call people EVIL (yes, I have seen people CALL PEOPLE EVIL) for not believing what you do? Is that the Jesus you know? I seem to recall Jesus telling us to love our enemies.

When did we start trying to make Jesus fit our own narrative?

I have had to put my phone away and just walk away from it for the times I’ve seen Christians treating people like garbage on social media. I have wanted so badly to call people out by name for the prideful, arrogant way they are trolling on people just to try to prove a point. Even worse, when people are seriously trying to promote their own political agendas by saying it’s “what Jesus would do" when there’s absolutely no biblical basis, completely contradictory to the heart of God, and rooted in rebellion.
Let’s stop speculating on whether or not Jesus would wear a mask and instead, just love people as He loved them. Isn’t that what He came on this earth to do? Oh, and by the way, it wasn’t just casual love. It was sacrificial, humiliating, servant-hearted, love. If he could die a horrible, agonizing death to express love, can we not bite our tongues and agree to disagree? Can we please see past the issue and realize you are talking to someone who was created by and is loved by the same God that listens to your every prayer?

What’s more important than anything you say, is how you say it.

1 Corinthians 13:1-2 : If I could speak all the languages of earth and angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.

Remember that more important than your message is your heart. More important than anything you say is the way you say it. The greatest thing we can do as Christians is to love others by representing Christ’s love to them, and if you remember, Jesus spent a lot of time loving those who were nothing like him: sinners, adulterers, tax collectors, Samaritans, beggars. He didn’t spend his time arguing with them, but allowed them to encounter the pure love of the Father through His teachings, forgiveness, compassion, and grace. We are called to have the mind of Christ. We have the Spirit of God dwelling within us. Please, if you are going to call yourself a lover of Jesus and a follower of Christ, do as He does.
Our world is so broken and hurting, especially now. If you truly know and follow God, we need you to be the light in the darkness. If Jesus is the hope of the world, every follower should be pointing back to that hope. Please, for the Love of God, show people the Love of God.


She is Courageous: Welcome Back!


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